The HBO series Succession has the most creative insults I’ve ever heard, they always make me laugh. In celebration of the final season, here are some of my favorites.
The End is at Hand
THE END IS AT HAND comes out today! It’s my biggest project to date and I’m very proud of it. I worked on it every day during those dark, isolating pandemic times, so it’s a relief to see it finally arrive in stores and online. (Worldwide delivery here)
The concept started as an exhibition of prints, drawings, and paintings about the end of the world, but as I researched historical events to visualize, I became equally interested in writing the stories as making the art. Each page of writing is paired with a linocut illustration reflecting our fears of asteroids, volcanoes, floods, plague, aliens, global warming, and of course, each other.

THE END IS AT HAND: An Illustrated History of the Apocalypse is a collection of short stories and linocut illustrations about the end of the world. The book explores how it has all ended before, when we thought it would end again, and the ways it could end in the future. Told chronologically, the tales begin with prehistoric extinctions and extend into the distant future when the universe may or may not collapse. Nothing lasts forever, including the worlds we inhabit - human society, our planet, and the entire universe.
Bait / Switch Illustration
Here’s a digital illustration I did this past summer for Bait/Switch magazine, available online and in print. It challenges creatives to respond to a previous piece. My drawing was inspired by a quilt made by Chicago artist Amanda Nadig. I then met up with New York-based writer Eliot Hudson who was living this design with his son Lance! He wrote a poem about the scene and the cycle continued with other creatives. I enjoyed the experience and recommend other artists of any medium to get involved.

Vaccines Save Lives
Our Differences Bring Us Together
Now available as an 11x14” print in the online shop.

Vote Like Hell
Spread the word! You know what to do! Vote like hell!

Volcano In Color
When everything goes back to normal, I’m hoping to turn my linocut of the volcano into a large three-layer screen print. I’m digitally deciding on ink colors at the moment.

Failed Fountain
You Can Be A Failed Fountain Or A Successful Puddle.

Narragansett Made On Honor Market
Ok, so I may be living in Dubai, but I WILL BE a part of Narragansett Brewery’s Made On Honor Market again this year. It will be November 23-24 noon to 6pm at the WaterFire Arts Center on Valley Street. My booth will be manned in my absence, featuring lots of new and old work. Show up, check out art, and toss back some tall boys for me!
Asian Bottles Having A Party
I’ve started work on a new commission, and this is an interesting one. The project is to paint a mural of cartoon drinks from Asia celebrating in a Last Supper style scene. It’s unique, fun, and I’ve got to get it done before it gets too cold outside! I just put the basic drawing down, and next I’ll add tone and color to the 4x26’ wall.