Ever since I first became interested in printmaking, I’ve liked Albrecht Dürer’s woodcut engraving from 1498 featuring the four horsemen of the apocalypse. For my interpretation I chose to loop them together with an emphasis on the character qualities described in the Book of Revelation.
The first horseman delivers Conquest with a crown and bow. Riding a white horse, this strong man is intent on dominating the world.
The second horseman brings War and bloodshed. He wields a sword and is here to disrupt peace on Earth by compelling people to kill each other.
The third horseman inflicts Famine on the world. On a black horse balancing a scale, this rider represents the greed in society that creates imbalance in the sharing of essential goods.
The fourth horseman rides a sickly horse and brings vast Death to the world. This is often associated with the effects of plague.